
Allan's Comment: Re-published from my book


Covid & Climate Chronicles – The Big Cull


See the book for the graphs.

I first published this graph in 2021 – IMPORTANT: there was no major increase in Total Deaths in Alberta to 1Jul2020, the end of the first Covid-19 flu season. That means NO real pandemic!

Total Deaths are typically much greater in the Winter flu season every year.

The reason there was NO significant total death increase in Alberta in the 12 months from 1Jul2019 to 30Jun2020, the first “Covid-19 flu year”, was because competent Alberta physicians practiced early treatment. Pre-Covid 2017-2018 was a worse flu-year than Covid flu-year 2019-2020 for total deaths. This proves that the Covid-19 illness was not a dangerous plague, was not fatal to the general population and the panicked over-reaction to Covid-19 was wrong, and needlessly cost trillions of dollars and millions of lives.


The Covid-19 “vaccines” were deployed in Alberta in Jan2021. There was a large increase in total deaths for all ages AFTER the toxic Covid-19 injections were deployed.

The big increase in Total Deaths happened by 1H2021 and was caused by the toxic Covid-19 “vaccines”. There is credible evidence that this carnage was not an error, but was known to insiders in advance.

Based on total Alberta total deaths:

Deaths attributed to the toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” in 2021 & 2022 totaled 98,000 Canadians to end 2022, increasing to 145,000 by end2023. Justin, Jagmeet and their corrupt leftist cohorts have now killed more Canadians than the 105,000 lost in WW1 & WW2.

Based on USA total deaths:

Incompetent, late Covid-19 treatment, Remdesivir and ventilators caused ~530,000 mostly-preventable American deaths in 2020. The toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” caused an additional ~1.1 million American deaths in 2021 and 2022, equal to all the deaths in all of America’s wars back to pre-1776. The death toll in the USA from the mismanagement of the Covid-19 illness and the toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” totaled ~1.6 million to end 2022, and it is far from over.

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Sent: Monday, June 17, 2024 8:27:21 AM

Subject: Danielle, you blew it! I and others correctly advised you on the Covid and Climate scams, but you bought all the woke BS!

To: Alberta Premier Danielle Smith

Copies to: ALL Alberta MLA's, other politicians and the "mostly bought " mainstream media

Danielle, you blew it! I and others correctly advised you on the Covid and Climate scams, but you bought all the woke BS!

By accepting and promoting the Covid and Climate falsehoods, you have allied yourself with the fraudsters who are trying to destroy Alberta.

You have made yourself and your colleagues on both sides of the Legislature open to valid charges of fraud, negligent homicide and medical-murder. All this was avoidable if you had just listened to the good advice I've given you since early 2020 on the Covid scam, and since 2002 on the Climate scam.

Why should you have listened to me? Because by the age of ~40, I primarily initiated the key ideas that revitalized the Alberta oil sands, made Canada the #4 oil producer in the world, created 500,000 good jobs across the country, made Canada the strongest economy in the G8 for ~20 years, and injected more than a trillion dollars into the Canadian economy. Since then I've achieved several more accomplishments of similar importance.

Objectively, I've done more for Alberta and Canada than everyone in the legislature, all their advisors, and everyone they know. You should have listened and acted on my excellent advice. All you and your predecessors have done is destroy the Alberta Advantage that I and my close colleagues created, and squandered the trillion dollars that we added into the Canadian economy.

If Alberta and Canadian politicians had avoided that foolish waste of money and opportunities, Alberta could be richer than Dubai and have a trillion dollars in the reserve fund, like Norway. Instead, it's all been squandered on nonsense, the prattling of scoundrels and imbeciles.

It's too late now - you've made this grievous Covid error and you cannot regain your credibility. Millions of Albertans are injured from the toxic Covid-19 "vaccines" and ~15,000 have been killed by these injections, many of them after you were elected. Since Sept2022 I have advocated that Alberta treat the vaxed, and that would have saved thousands of lives.

I used to support you and I tried to save you, but it's too late!

Regrets, Allan MacRae, Calgary

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Author

I just added the photos of the younger dead kids - just a sampling of the ~4 million minors (under 18 years) killed in the Western countries in the last 3.5 years by the toxic-and-ineffective Covid-19 "vaccines".

I'm getting to be an old man, and as I get older I feel more and more protective towards all kids. I guess I've always been this way - maybe it's the Covid vax-murders that have so polarized me.

It breaks me to look at the photos of these dead kids! I've always been a strong, ethical man, able to protect those who needed it. This time it did not work.

I published early and often, one of the earliest and most accurate predictions of the Covid-19 Lockdowns-and-Vaccines carnage, but nobody listened.

Years ago, my best friend lost one of his teenage sons to an accident, a lovely kid I had known since he was a baby. His dad, my best friend, died soon thereafter of a rare, sudden illness.

A family broken - only the mom and the other son remained with their friends to live the great pain. That same extreme pain is being felt by the families of ~4 million kids who have been killed by the toxic Covid-19 injections - a world in mourning.

I want Justice! I want Nuremberg 2.0! Military tribunals, hangings and firing squads!

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if this is true, it's very good news.

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They hate this guy for his progress because he has been trying to educate as many people as possible... meddlers stand in his way..... If you want the truth ..... Red Pill Expo STUDY HALL -- (18 June 2024) -- Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Brief twitch.tv/videos/2175381494 #truthovertribe

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ALL of them ARE corrupt;-)

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How Long Will It Take For All Of Humanity To Awaken From This Nightmare Of Death ? Honestly People Need To Wake Up! Discernment. I Want Retribution And No Amnesty. These Failed Humans NEED To Be Severely Punished. Death Penalty To All Of Them. They Deserve Justice For Their Crimes Against Humanity.

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