Sound of Freedom | Theatrical Trailer for July 4 | Angel Studios - YouTube

“God’s Children are No Longer for Sale!”


Sound of Freedom 2022 ['FULL MOVIE']


Tim Ballard EXPLAINS THE ISSUE Of Human Trafficking & How To PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN From It |Lewis H - YouTube


Truth Justice ™ on Twitter: "ADRENOCHROMING OUR CHILDREN: Millions of innocent children are trafficked every year for sex slavery, rape, torture and Adrenochrome. Elite Pedophile bloodlines who rule our world control the child sex trafficking rings worldwide. Many famous people are involved in this evil.… https://t.co/ieRl1fx8EH" / Twitter


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Thanks for taking the time for making this very important post. I have also been shouting from rooftops about these parasites abusing our children, articles/videos hereunder:

- The UN, WHO, & WEF seek to Sexualize, Exploit, & Decriminalize Sex with School-Aged Children


- Video: The Most Unholy Trinity: My Recent Interview on SGTReport, including mentioned resources


I am now investigating more into these child abuse/trafficking matters and will make more posts in the future.

On a separate note, I loved your interview on TalkTruth.ca and will re-tweet it. I've been on to this climate scam for years and have written about it in some posts with one of the most notable being how they are actually/practically (but criminally) carrying out these plans in Canada through our various institutions (45 page report) from last Fall, see EXPOSÉ: Canadian Residents & Businesses are about to be Carbon-Taxed into Oblivion, https://fournier.substack.com/p/expose-canadian-residents-and-businesses

P.S.: I'm an independent investigative journalist and would like to write more pieces about the Climate Hoax Scam. If ever you are up for an interview, please let me know. Here is an example of one of my past interview write-ups: SPECIAL REPORT: One-on-One Interview with Retired OPP Officer Vincent Gircys, https://fournier.substack.com/p/special-report-one-on-one-interview

You can contact me at dfournier@protonmail.com

With much respect for what you do and what you share freely with us.

Warmest Regards my true Canadian patriot!

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Thanks Allan. Daily the horror grows & grows more awful every day.

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"The Pandemic was planned for 2016 and the food and water shortages were planned for 2020, but now have been moved to the year 2025." - Calin Georgescu

Note how the food shortages are being initiated:

- Sri Lanka greatly reduced fertilizer and created hunger there.

- the Dutch government and Canadian diva Justin Pedeau are also reducing farmland and fertilizer, allegedly to save the planet, but really to starve more people.

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I just emailed Alberta Premier Danielle Smith this newest Chapter of my book:

Hon. Danielle Smith

Premier of Alberta

Copied to: Allan MacRae, Calgary


Hello Premier Danielle Smith,

I have been one of your strongest supporters. I met you years ago and also was interviewed on your radio program.

This is a new topic for me, but the following information rings true, is consistent with my experience, and is highly alarming.

There can be no fence-sitting on the Child Trafficking issue, as there should be no fence-sitting on my other two major published topics – the Climate and Covid-19 scams.

You are either on one side of the fence, or the other, and the time for a credible response is running out.

Best regards, Allan MacRae, Calgary

This latest Chapter of my new book was published today. It is read and supported all over the world.



“We know that there are more than 8 million children per year who disappear.”

“The situation with Donald Trump was a big shock… The plandemic was supposed to be in 2016…. A disaster regarding food and water, they want to arrive in 2025 now…

- Calin Georgescu – Former United Nations Executive and Former President of the Club of Rome for Europe

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Just days ago I did not know the magnitude of global child trafficking. I am cautious in my acceptance of this information, which is new to me. However, it is consistent with what I've seen here in Calgary.

Corrupt Calgary Police, Crown Prosecutors, lawyers, Judges and Justices knowingly collaborate in the Silver Bullet scam, the false accusation of family violence that results in the full force of the state being applied against an innocent man ("just believe the woman") and the occasional woman. Innocent parents are immediately cast in jail, lose their house and their children, often lose their jobs, and have to defend themselves against a pack of obvious lies that that are encouraged and embellished by dirty cops and sociopathic prosecutors.

My wife’s first lawyer sat across from my two lawyers and said ”This is all about breaching your Pre-Marriage Contract. Give us your condo or you won’t see your daughter for six months”. I managed the situation well and recovered my 4-year-old daughter after two months, but she had been badly emotionally abused, was curled up in the fetal position and is still recovering 10+ years later.

A man I know was locked up for 444 days pending his trial, because dirty cops alleged he was dangerous – a charge for which there was no evidence. He permanently lost his infant son to a sociopathic woman, was financially ruined, moved away from Alberta and is never coming back.

The dirty cops, prosecutors, Judges, Justices and their ilk are all complicit in the child abduction and child trafficking scam and they know it – that is why they go to such extremes to persecute the innocent and harm the children. They know what they are doing.

Former Calgary Police Chiefs Rick Hanson, Paul Cook and current Chief Mark Neufeld are all provably complicit in the Silver Bullet scam and the enormous harm done to children and families.

Another opinion came from a famous Canadian former hockey player who has personal knowledge of this subject, who summed it up for me thus: "They're ALL pedophiles!". He may be at least partially correct. It is extremely improbable that anyone in the law business could be this wrong, this obtuse, for this long – they know that they are involved in child abduction, child abuse and extortion and they make money from it and so they continue to enable this crime.

None of the extreme actions of Calgary police, Crown Prosecutors, lawyers, Judges and Justices, Police Commissions, Law Societies, Human Rights Commissions, etc. made any sense. They do now.

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What if D. Trump's victory was not a big shock to the KM and the Deep State? What if they always knew she would lose? There is a lot of production dedicated to the idea that Trump and the deep state are enemies. What if that is just part of the show like it was when the press attacked and vilified George W. Bush, even though he was an insider? Remember all the vitriol in the press against GWB even though the same people controlled him as controlled the press? All that hatred against GWB paved the way for Obama and his crime syndicate.

It is well known which policies will benefit the public and which won't. They let Trump's policies benefit the public to heighten the contrast between Trump and government business as usual, which is to enslave and murder the populace, and deny justice to the poor. This is how all opposition is funneled into support for Trump. Our hero Donald Trump allowed foreign actors to shut down our economy and was a tool in delivering poison shots to many people. A loyalist president would die on that hill. He ceded the government to FEMA. It takes a lot of belief and naivety to believe that any of the faces presented to the public in politics are genuine. I'm all out of belief and naivety.

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Trump was in charge when the harmful Covid-19 Lockdowns and the toxic Covid-19 were deployed. I called the Covid-19 scam and published against it from the start.

I think Trump was suckered by Fauci et al - and Trump is too vain to admit it.

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And Brandon mandated

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I know places that are supposed to protect kids are involved in kidnapping them, I wonder if they get their orders from the top. I also hope that man is correct, they will not succeed in their plan. Talk about evil, this evil is so deep and so depraved I have no words.

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