Not a surprise.




For the record – I sent the following to my friend The Hon. Brian Peckford two years ago (and he published it!):

From: Allan MacRae

Sent: November-07-21 3:07 PM

To: Brian Peckford

Subject: Will The Supreme Court Save Us ?

Hi Brian,

The core problem is the federally-appointed Justices are neither competent nor honest – they are typically paid leftist shills for the federal Liberals.

I spent years trying to protect children from illegal seizure by our courts – and lost. The woke Supreme Court refused to hear my case.

These shills not only breach the Charter of Rights– they run roughshod over Magna Carta – the basis for the historic success of the English-speaking nations.


Last year marked the 800th Anniversary of Magna Carta. I suggest these AG’s and Al Gore should actually read it, probably for the very first time.

Magna Carta is the source for our Rule of Law, and the peace and prosperity enjoyed by all the nations that benefit from it. Rule of Law is now under threat from scoundrels and imbeciles.

Cl. 39 and 40 of Magna Carta read as follows:


[39] No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any other way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgement of his equals or by the law of the land.

[40] To no one will we sell, to no one deny or delay right or justice.

Regards to all, Allan

These justices did not know the fundamentals of our law, including the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Innocent Until Proven Guilty, and Rules of Evidence. They are certainly not independent but look to Ottawa for their instructions.

I correctly predicted that Jason Kenney would lose his carbon tax case more than one year before the judgment. That is just one example of the lack of independence of our judiciary.

I would not let these people wash my car.

Regards, Allan MacRae in Calgary

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Thank you Allan. I was astounded by what I read. I should have sought your permission first. Apologies that I didn't. As I rushed to faceplant to strike while my iron was still hot. I did it, as the climate & stop oil headbangers are on the UK news bs promoters.

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No apologies necessary Andy - sounds like you are on the right track.

~85% of global primary energy is fossil fuels - Oil, Coal and Natural Gas. The rest is mostly Hydro and Nuclear. Non-dispatchable Green Energy barely matters, despite trillions of dollars of squandered subsidies - all it does is drive up costs and de-stabilize the electrical grid, primarily because of intermittency.

When you hear anyone prattling about the virtues of green energy, you are hearing the ravings of an energy imbecile.

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Dear Allan, you are absolutely right that our institutions have been taken over, which include our educational institutions. My former university, taken over. The former college were I studied and taught at, also taken over by the woke ideology & mob.

Wokeism and the Climate Hoax (among many other agendas) all have one thing in common - depopulation. Plus the added benefit of sprinkling divisiveness across societies.

The Climate Change Hoax will prove to be the most destructive, for it has the potential to literally kill billions. That is the ultimate goal for them and it couldn't be any clearer. Eugenics is alive and well in the 20th century. Same phony "philanthropic" billionaire (and trillionnaire) actors behind them.

I've also been writing about this for years. Near the beginning of one of my recent posts, I summarized and linked to 6 of my articles on these Climate & Carbon Tax looting schemes. See,

The Wicked Witch of the WEF Strikes Again: The Hefty Price Tag for the Climate Change & Ukraine agendas in the 2023 Budget


The WEF & UN (particularly through their SDGs and all their conferences/COP/etc. are the central actors (along with our Canadian traitor Mark Carney who is their key financial-looting-architect (see https://fournier.substack.com/p/expose-canadian-residents-and-businesses).

Too many of our corrupt politicians in Canada such as Trudeau, Freeland, Guilbeault, have sold their souls to these evil agendas and operate as treasonous actors to personally enrich themselves while impoverishing average and low-income Canadians. These parasites belong bars for their crimes, as do all the traitors in the institutions that are going along with these destructive agendas.

The fight is far from over. But I am glad to have the likes of you and many others along my side to continue to expose and shine beams of heavenly light on their corruption.

God bless.

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Climate Change is high on the list of terrifying global trends. I think the move to ultimately ban all or most cash transactions - the "reform" of a "digital currency" - could be the final nail in the coffin of "freedom." That's the planned agenda we MUST stop IMO.

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Yep, the DigitalID+CBDC would allow them to impose any lunatic "climate" measure such as not permitting us to travel more than several km from our homes, creating a prison planet. I'll fight to the death rather than submit to either or both of these beast marks.

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Dan, I got to get back to your other video, but those "15-minute" or "smart" cities ... are about as dumb as anything I've heard about ... which means these initiatives will be implemented in towns across the globe. It's yet another one of my maxims: Things that shouldn't happen (because they are so ridiculous and will harm so many people) ... WILL happen. That's why I think it's almost a lock that Joe Biden will get re-elected. I know it sounds preposterous - how could someone with such low approval ratings who has obvious dementia - be re-elected president ... at the age of 82!? But my Maxim tells us this will indeed (probably) happen.

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Thank you, Allan McRae!

Sharing. (Your article was shared by PeterHalligan substack.)

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Another poster just made a link to a term I'd never heard of. This is the world we all now obviously live in.

"A kakistocracy (/kækɪˈstɒkrəsi/, /kækɪsˈtɒ-/) is a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens.[1]: 54 [2][3] The word was coined as early as the seventeenth century.[4] Peter Bowler has noted in his book that there is no word for the government run by the best citizens,[a] and that the aristarchy may be the right term, but still, it could conceivably be a kakistocracy disguised as an aristocracy."

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Hi Bill,

The term "kakistocracy" is also new to me.

Many regimes would qualify as a kleptocracy – - thieves - Justin Trudeau and previous Canadian Liberal regimes certainly did, until they started killing their citizens

So what do we call regimes that murder their own citizens – like those of Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc.

Justin and Jagmeet and their Liberal and NDP cohorts have slaughtered 100,000 Canadians to date with their Covid-19 jabs, and it’s far from over. That compares to 44,000 Canadians lost in WW2.

Regards, Allan

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“So what do we call regimes that murder their own citizens – like those of Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc.”

I formulated the word "mortocracy" (Latin "Death" + "Rule") and found it online on wiki:

mortocracy (countable and uncountable, plural mortocracies)

1. (rare) Rule or government based on death in some way.

So now, with their rabid "drug-pushing" of the fatal Covid-19 vaxxes, most countries in the world, including the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Britain are mortocracies.

I see a problem with too many syllables – I propose “mort”, for short.


“Oh Canada, our mort and native land…”

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Hello Allan,

My family mostly lives in Calgary....I am the only one ( and my two adult children..thank the Good Lord) who are not jabbed out of 23 in our family..including my mother, all my five siblings, and their children. I tried to warn them all in January of 2021 with a very evidenced based email, and with lots of questions and concerns..all went unheeded, and I still have trouble believing that it all happened as it did. My brother and his wife are even medically trained, and he thought I was the one living in a fantasy bubble. I have lost virtually all contact with them, ( their idea to cast me out) except for my Mom who bless her soul, still seems to trust in everything and everybody. What I am saying, "simply cannot be true", is her take. The Covid scam was nothing short of bizarre, and as most readers of these Substacks can attest, the deeper we dug into the Covid fraud, and indeed the climate change insanity, the crazier it all got, and the more awake we all became. Somedays, up is down, and down is indeed, up. Perhaps all days at the moment are in such turmoil. I live in Switzerland, and was deeply ashamed of what was taking place in the land of my youth. I am quite certain I still cannot get through to my family about what has taken place these last three years, and counting of course....any tips are greatly appreciated. I am doing what I can over here, and help with CHD ( Children's Health Defence) Europe in working with the translators for their newsletter...we all have to do our part. Thank you for your pursuit of the truth...and for your Canadian perspective. :-)

I agree with you about the current state of our institutions..especially the ones of higher learning. I work with young children, and have been an educator for over 25 years. I went out on my own almost five years ago, and was so glad I did..it helped me so much during these last three years as I was able to escape most of the madness. I am so glad my young adult children have managed to stay clear of the "woke" colleges, and that they turned out to be as fiercely independent as their mother, and with very high critical thinking skills. Those skills most likely saved their lives. What a time to be alive, and to witness what is taking place. Eileen

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Hi Eileen and good article Bill.

Eileen, I am appalled by the bad behavior of those who not only refuse to believe the obvious truth, but shun those who do.

I calculated 13 million Covid-19 vaxx-killed, excluding China, to end 2022 based on Alberta total deaths, and Denis Rancourt et al calculated the same number based on Israel and Australia total deaths. The current death toll from the Covid-19 vaxxes is 15 million, excluding China, and will increase to 19 million by end 2023. The odds of dying from the toxic C-19 vaxxes are now about 1 in ~1000 doses - if an average of 2 doses per person, that is one death in ~500 C-19 vaxxed people.. Russian Roulette with better odds.

When I get push-back from innumerates, i just say "15 million dead people agree with me". I don’t shout down those who disagree with me, I just try to save lives where I can.

I’ve been trying since Nov2022 to get a worldwide, simple and cheap, over-the-counter treatment program for the vaxxed started, maybe funded in Florida.

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I wrote an article recently pointing out that five of the main institutions that are supposed to exist to "search for the truth" now all seem to exist to conceal the truth. This does not bode well for our children's futures. I don't know what the ultimate "solution" is ... but I think Substack is playing a big and growing role in exposing many of our "untruths." So we need to get more people to subscribe to Substack.


BTW, I just subscribed!

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...I am originally from Saskatoon, and my father was a professor of Vet Medicine at the college..he died in 2006. I followed the story of the medical surgeon they fired at the U of S, and was quite appalled at his treatment. Like I said, nothing seemed to make any sense...so why did so many people not see that? Why was compliance with the nonsensical measures so high?

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I don't know if "Holocaust" or "genocide" technically apply, but the numbers of deaths and (myriad life-altering medical conditions and stress, misery) must be similar - millions of people world-wide by now. And they got away with it. Probably will next time too. Sigh.

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