Hello Allan...I jusr recently discovered your analysis and very excellent. You may be interested in some of my Chart of the Day (Cotd) analysis related to the covid narrative at eldric.substack.com. I am a retired engineer so I like graphs. All the best,

Eldric Vero Water Valley AB

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It’s a slow poisoning of the population and it has been happening for years…………..I got my “intel” from “the disinformation dozen”….when Sayer Ji of GreenMedInfo wrote about how this Covid 19 PSYOP would unfold, I honestly thought he was totally exaggerating……….until everything he had said started to happen…..lockdowns, mandates, forced vaccination, booster after booster, vaccine injuries, persecution against the “unvaccinated”, even censorship ….when Trudeau mandated the shots for airlines my youngest son chose to get vaccinated to come home for Christmas……terrible! My oldest son, my husband and I remain “unvaccinated”. I tried to warn others, offered Ivermectin, and got shunned and even yelled at a few times…….I don’t care I know I am on the right side of history………..thank heavens for the truth tellers!

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Patricia Bowman wrote me as follows:

Allan, I have read all your past info and just have one issue. I'm 70. I worked in simulation ( aircraft ) for over 40 years and retired in 2018. You suggested locking me up. 'Isolation of those over 65".

Hi Patricia,

By Feb2020 I knew that Covid-19 was NOT fatal to the younger population - those under 65, and children typically did not even get symptoms. The general lockdown was a gross over-reaction and was never medically justified. That was my main point and it was correct. I was trying to protect the workforce and students from this lunacy. Even then, my assessment was that Covid-19 was only fatal to the very elderly and infirm – those in nursing homes and those who were morbidly ill.

I published on 21Mar2020:


Isolate people over sixty-five and those with poor immune systems and return to business-as-usual for people under sixty-five.

This will allow “herd immunity” to develop much sooner and older people will thus be more protected AND THE ECONOMY WON’T CRASH.”

I published on 22Mar2020:

“This full-lockdown scenario is especially hurting service sector businesses and their minimum-wage employees - young people are telling me they are "financially under the bus". The young are being destroyed to protect us over-65's. A far better solution is to get them back to work and let us oldies keep our distance, and get "herd immunity" established ASAP - in months not years. Then we will all be safe again."

Some of my above word choice was less than adequate. Soon thereafter I wrote this more correct statement:

“The Covid-19 lockdowns were wrong, and we should just over-protect the very elderly and infirm.”

Like you, I lost access to my social network, restaurants and friends because I was unvaxxed, and that oppression lasted for years. I never wanted to lock-up you or me.

I trust you understand by now that the Lockdowns were never about pubic health –they were about control of populations by criminals like Justin and Jagmeet and their fascist fellow-travelers

– “Wolves stampeding the Sheep for political and financial gain.”

Regards, Allan

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The corrupt greens often refer to volumes in novel units, like "Olympic Swimming Pools", so they can promote their lies to the innumerate gullible public. The greens are great liars but they are also highly skilled publicists, having sold their alarmist Global Warming lies to billions of uneducated imbeciles.

From the above Chapter of my new book at: https://allanmacrae.substack.com/p/coming-soon

"Denis Rancourt et al and I independently calculated 13 million Covid-19 vaxx-caused deaths to end 2022, excluding China, India and Russia; I estimate 19 million vaxx-deaths by end 2023, unless we treat the vaxxed now."

Hitler's WW2 Holocaust that murdered ~6 million Jews, Gypsies and other innocent men, women and children is considered by many to be the Great Crime of the 20th Century.

To end 2022, Justin and Jagmeet and their fellow-travelers and their masters at the WEF and the WHO have murdered TWO "Hitler's-Holocausts" and will hit THREE Hitler's-Holocausts by end 2023.

Copy the above paragraphs and send them to everyone you know. The intelligent ones will understand and believe you.

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Thank you Andy for your kind words.

Imagine you understood the Covid-19 scam in Feb 2020, warned everyone starting on 21Mar2020, strongly advised against deploying the toxic vaccines on 8Jan2021, and nobody listened and 15 million innocent people died and 4 million more will die to the end of 2023. That experience has not been at all satisfactory – I wanted to save those millions of lives; maybe I saved a handful.



Here is what I want now:

1. Treat the Covid-19-vaxxed ASAP to save as many as possible from vaxx-injury and death.

2. Try and imprison the Covid-19 criminals for life .

In Canada, fearless leaders Justin and Jagmeet think they have the army and the police to support them and their new censorship law to hide the truth. That won't work.

When the army and the police start losing family members to the vaxx, J&J are in trouble.

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And the mortality statistics are there. This from Tom Woods:

"You may have heard of Ed Dowd, author of Cause Unknown, who's been breaking down the data. When asked about what pieces of data are the most compelling, he offers these:

Two data sets. The Society of Actuaries, which are group life policies at the elite, elite corporations across the U.S., Fortune 500 mid-sized. Their excess mortality in 2021 was 40%. The general U.S. population was 32%. Typically, this group is much healthier than the general U.S. population. The Society of Actuaries has shown that in prior studies. It's in my book, it's QR coded.

And they said that in any given year, group life policyholders die at one third the mortality rate of the general U.S. population. So that inverted in 2021 and continues to this day. I blame the vaccines and mandates.

The second piece of data: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics disability data. The disability numbers are around 29 to 30 million for the prior five years going into 2021. Then they exploded in February from about 29 to 30 to 33.2 million. That was a three standard deviation event, which in geek-speak happens 0.03% of the time.

Of those 3.2 million people that were added, 1.7 million are employed. When you look at the disability rate increases, employed went up 31%, the general U.S. population went up 9%. And what's even worse is, those not in the labor force -- people who could work and are willing to work -- their disability rate only went up 4%. Those are the people who got fired for not taking the jab or refused to take the jab and quit.

Typically speaking, the employed of the country, by the very nature of going to work, aren't as disabled as the general U.S. population. And this has never happened in the history of our country. Those two pieces of data are, for me, a mic drop. That's what I presented to Senator Ron Johnson in December. And that's it. That's all we need to know. We're done here.

In other words, why would the disability trends be so divergent, and especially in the wrong direction? The working population is generally healthier than the non-working, and yet we had this massive reversal of that normal situation. Given how many people working were required to get the jab, and that plenty of the non-working didn't get it, and disability among the working exploded but it didn't among the non-working, is it all right with the police if we at least consider that the jab could have had something to do with it?

To people who say "correlation doesn't equal causation," Dowd replies: "So did the virus mutate in '21 and '22 to only affect younger-aged working people but somehow avoids those who are not employed? Unless we have a new virus that knows you're working, there's no explanation for it."

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Edward Down is intelligent and accomplished and I've seen a lot of his material and agree with him.

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Thanks Allan. You've been way ahead of any curve indeed. Well done!

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