The Calgary Police Service and Alberta Justice are collaborators in child abduction, child abuse, extortion and child trafficking and that corruption extends to the very top of both organizations.
I just sent this letter to every Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) in Alberta, calling them out on their collaboration in child abduction, child abuse, extortion and child trafficking in Alberta.
There is a high probability of thuggish retaliation against me or my family by the Police or the Courts - that’s what criminals do.
Regards, Allan MacRae, Calgary
Prime Minister Justin Pedeau and his lifelong best friend, convicted child pornographer Christopher Charles Ingvaldson, and all you other pedeaux should also take note – it might be time to run to your safe haven on that Caribbean island, the net is closing in on you.
'It effortlessly keeps you on the edge of your seat'
By WND News Services Published July 5, 2023
The faith-based film about a former Homeland Security agent who embarks on a journey to rescue hundreds of children from sex traffickers is now the no. 1 movie in America.
Hon. Danielle Smith
Premier of Alberta
Minister of Health
Minister of Energy
Minister of Jobs, Economy and Northern Development
Minister of Public Safety
Minister of Education
Copied to: All Alberta MLA’s and other collaborators in child trafficking
This week there is an important movie all Alberta MLA’s should see:
SOUND OF FREEDOM [Movie in Theaters starting 3 July]
Go to
It’s about child trafficking, a heinous crime you’ve all contributed to here in Alberta, as described below.
The Calgary Police Service and Alberta Justice are collaborators in child abduction, child abuse, extortion and child trafficking and that corruption extends to the very top of both organizations – details below.
I gave you a chance to respond, to “come clean”, but you’ve chosen to ignore this decades-old crime.
Now, I’m more inclined to accept the comment my famous former-hockey-player friend made to me:
“They’re all pedophiles!”
I urge you to attend the movie, and to reconsider your defenseless, criminal positions.
There is a powerful logic that says:
“No rational person can be this wrong, this utterly obtuse, for this long. They know what they are doing.”
Prime Minister Justin Pedeau and his lifelong best friend, convicted child pornographer Christopher Charles Ingvaldson, should also attend.
Regards, Allan MacRae, Calgary
18June2023 email to:
Hon. Danielle Smith
Premier of Alberta
The Calgary Police Service (CPS) under former Chiefs Hanson, Cook and current Chief Neufeld and their Police Commissions continue to commit or enable crimes including brutal police beatings and murders of unarmed civilians, child abduction, child abuse, extortion, and child trafficking.
The Calgary Police Service could be the biggest front-end supplier of southern Alberta children to the child drugs-and-sex trade. Details are here.
CPS Chiefs Cook and Neufeld both signed blatant false letters exonerating corrupt CPS officers from criminal malfeasance, proven perjury and the abduction and emotional abuse of my four-year-old daughter in a million-dollar extortion scam. Eleven years later, my daughter is still recovering. CPS Chiefs Hanson, Cook and Neufeld by their deceitful, delaying actions are fully complicit in these crimes.
I gave current CPS Chief Neufeld an opportunity to clear his name, but he re-affirmed his dedication to the corrupt status quo.
Deceit and Delay are the standard tactics of the Calgary Police Service and their oversight bodies. Rarely, if ever is there an honest, professional response to a legitimate complaint of CPS misconduct.
Police Chief Roger Chaffin was the exception. Chaffin tried to clean up the worst criminal conduct, but he only lasted three years into his five-year contract.
Evidence indicates that The Calgary Police Service is the most brutal and corrupt big-city police force in Canada and the USA. Corruption at the top is supported by a brutal–and-corrupt minority of CPS officers who dominate the entire organization and set the criminal culture for the rest.
The Calgary Police Service cannot be fixed. The endemic, deep corruption has existed for more than a decade and all attempts to remedy that corruption have failed.
The Calgary Police Service and the brutal Edmonton Police Service should immediately be disbanded and re-organized to form the nucleus of a new Alberta Police Service.
Regards, Allan MacRae
On Friday night 30Jul2023 I attended this excellent movie NO VISIBLE TRAUMA that highlights the extreme brutality and corruption of the Calgary Police Service.
It was well-attended and the audience was spell-bound and silent throughout the screening.
I left early during the panel discussion. These events are unlikely to change anything – they’ve been happening for decades. It requires change from the top, Danielle.
The corruption in the Alberta Law Business clearly extends to the very top of the Alberta government – that was proved by the fraudulent dismissal of the Calgary cop murder of Anthony Heffernan by the Alberta Deputy Minister of Justice, a most unusual act for that office.
Maurice McLoughlin, the killer cop who murdered Anthony, went on to kill again - this time quadriplegic Dave McQueen, who had a rifle but limited use of his arms - not dangerous. After several more years on the CPS payroll, McLoughlin resigned with no charges against him and is free to work as a cop anywhere.
Calgary had two cops who were “twofers“ - two cops who had shot two civilians.
That’s how they roll at the CPS - a dirty killer cop is back on the street to kill again, with full salary and no repercussions.
Investigations of dirty Calgary cops are dragged out forever, and then dismissed.
“Deceit and Delay” - should be the motto printed in every Calgary Police car.
I think that Police criminality and brutality in Calgary (and Edmonton) is a diversion, and “only the tip of the iceberg”. The “main event” is the child trafficking and other forms of criminal conduct by the CPS, their senior management, oversight bodies and Alberta Justice.
This criminal conduct has been ongoing for many decades. There is a powerful logic that says these people knew what they were doing – they cannot have been innocently this wrong, this utterly obtuse, for this long. They knew. The entire Alberta Law Business need to be cleaned out from bottom to top.
“We know that there are more than 8 million children per year who disappear.”
“The situation with Donald Trump was a big shock… The plandemic was supposed to be in 2016…. A disaster regarding food and water, they want to arrive in 2025 now…”
- Calin Georgescu – Former United Nations Executive and Former President of the Club of Rome for Europe.
Important Video (~2 minutes):
Former United Nations Executive and Former President of the Club of Rome for Europe confirms that the Oligarchs who rule our world (The Committee of 300) are Pedophiles who control the systems of global child sex trafficking and control the UN and WEF.
The United Nations 2030 agenda is the same as the Davos (WEF) agenda, these NGOs are both involved in global child sex trafficking.
The Oligarchs control the Chancellors, Presidents and Prime Ministers of the world. Donald Trump was an accident, the Oligarchs did not expect him to win. The Pandemic was planned for 2016 and the food and water shortages were planned for 2020, but now have been moved to the year 2025.
More than 8 million children per year disappear, 8 million is the entire population of Austria. They disappear without any information. This criminal act has to be stopped. We must fight for our children. We must protect them. The most innocent of innocence is being terrorized, tortured, sold as sex slaves and raped 10 times a day for years. What if this was your child?
Child sex trafficking is the fastest growing international crime network the world has ever seen. It has already passed the illegal arms trade and soon it is going to pass the drug trade. If we do nothing, we are part of the darkness and the evil sweeping across our world.
The Sound of Freedom is a true story of one man's fight to save as many children as he can from the horror of child sex trafficking. These millions of innocent children are suffering unimaginable pain and torture every day and we as a society are allowing it.
We know who these Oligarchs are, we know who the Committee of 300 is, we know the leaders of the UN and the WEF, we have their names. How long will we let them do this evil to our innocent children? What is wrong with humanity? Why won't you act? Close your eyes and see the tears and hear the cries of a 5 year old girl being held down and raped until she bleeds.
This is the reality in our world, innocent children by the millions are being sold for sex, torture and rape every year and nothing is being done about it, nothing. If one man can make a difference and save hundreds of children, imagine what a million brave men could do.
An Open Letter to the Chief of Police – Calgary Police Service 27April2023
I wrote the following statement to the Calgary Police Commission on 14May2023 and the responses of Police Commission and the Chief of Police confirm the above statement:
“I regard the Calgary Police Service to be a criminal organization that is involved in the crimes of child abduction, child abuse, extortion, and child trafficking and the Calgary Police Commission as complicit in these crimes because of corruption or incompetence.”
"At a high level, corruption stems from the systemic disrespect of a nation’s institutions and legal system, especially by those in power. . .
The hallmark of virtually all corruption is ‘playing dumb’."
An Open Letter to the Chief of Police – Calgary Police Service 27April2023
“I previously posted a strong criticism of the Calgary Police Service (CPS) because of the thuggish, criminal conduct of a significant minority of CPS officers, the Crown Prosecutors office, some lawyers, judges and justices. There is a complete lack of competent oversight by the Chief of Police, the Calgary Police Commission and the Provincial and Federal Departments of Justice.
Let me be clear – I am a strong supporter of competent policing in Canada. I am against dirty cops and those who support them, corrupt and incompetent Crown prosecutors, lawyers, Police Commissions, judges and justices.”
An Open Letter to the Chief of Police – Calgary Police Service 27April2023
“In Calgary in 2016 and again in 2018, ~9* unarmed civilians were shot by city police, in a population of 1.4 million, a rate of 6.43 per million. In the USA in 2019, a total of 56 unarmed civilians were shot and killed by police, in a population of 330 Million, a rate of 0.17 per million.
Allan M.R. MacRae, B.A.Sc.(Eng.) Queen’s U, M.Eng. U of Alberta
Conducted business at a senior level on six of the world’s seven continents.
Recommended AGAINST the Covid-19 lockdowns on 21March2020, in a post essentially identical to the Great Barrington Declaration published 6 months later by the world’s top experts.
Highlighted the significant risks of the experimental Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 mRNA injections and the high risk-low reward of these injections to under-65’s and especially to very-low-risk groups including schoolchildren, on 8January2021.
Safeguarded up to 600,000 Calgarians from probable death by intervening to shut down the Mazeppa sour gas project; MacRae was honored by the Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Authored ~12 papers since 2002 that prove catastrophic human-made global warming is a false crisis, and intermittent green energy is not a practical solution.
Co-authored a 2015 paper on Excess Winter Mortality entitled “Cold Weather Kills 20 Times As Many People As Hot Weather”.
Advocated since 2002 against the fraudulent claims of leftist extremists that have cost Alberta and Canada over $200 billion in lost oil revenues.
Wrote the competent Energy Policy for the Wild Rose Party, rejecting the destructive Stelmach Royalty changes.
Initiated the New Oilsands Royalty Terms and the New Oilsands Tax Terms implemented by the Klein PC’s and the Feds and also the reduction of Syncrude Canada Ltd. production costs from $18 to $12 per barrel.
Incorporated these initiatives into a comprehensive strategy for Syncrude Canada Ltd, which was implemented and was instrumental in the successful growth of Syncrude and the Alberta oil sands industry.
Result: $250 billion (equivalent to $500+ billion today) capital investment in Alberta and 500,000 new jobs created in Canada. Canada became the 4th largest oil producer in the world, the largest foreign supplier of energy to the USA and the strongest economy of the G8 countries. ~80% of that oil production is from Alberta.
Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
- Matthew 25:40
This is my creed. It was the creed of my father and my grandfathers - they lived it.
Thank you Hannaleigh.
We must stand and fight these criminals and their Crimes Against Humanity:
- The Climate and Green Energy Crimes that have squandered 5 trillion dollars, destroyed hundreds of millions of lives and destabilized our vital energy systems;
- The Covid-19 Lockdown and "Vaccine" crimes that have wasted trillions, killed tens of millions and vaxx-injured a billion or more worldwide;
- The Child Trafficking crimes that "disappear" millions of children per year and treat them worse than farm animals, reportedly harvesting them for adrenochrome and body organs.
I believe the same people at the top are responsible for these crimes, and their minions who do their dirty work are concentrated in our governments and our Law Business.
Thank you Allan for all you've done for Canada, I hate reading about the police in Alberta being involved in child sex trafficking, besides the money they make, why on earth would they do that? My heart breaks for the children, God's children who are being attacked by demons, attacked in schools, by their parents who advocate for their gender mutilation and the gay pride community which I believe has been taken over by the demonic trans creatures, We all know by now we are fighting a spiritual war not a political war and God sees it all. I believe we may be in end times where God returns to cleanse the planet of evil, we better be prepared, I know I am. God Bless you Allan and your family, may God keep you all safe at this time of war.