
Watch the two videos again:

In both the 100m and 200m, FloJo pulls away from the field in the final 50m. She seems to do so with ease, as she kicks into Overdrive - beautiful !!!

She died at age 39, a terrible loss. Fare thee well, dear child.

You were, and still are, the very best!

Forever young.

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Jul 5Liked by Allan MacRae

Alan please read this.


Best book dissecting Covid I have read. 400 page free download and he gives an audio.

Well worth reading!

Dr Rog Cook

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Thank you Dr Cook. An excellent essay, and my response below.

Cannot commit to reading the 400 page book, limited time.


I have no material disagreements with the above essay by James Kunstler.


Covid & Climate Chronicles – The Big Cull




In 2020, humanity was again violently assaulted, this time by the Covid-19 Lockdowns and “Vaccines” scam. I correctly called this scam in Feb2020, within the first month of its public existence, and published on 21Mar2020:


Protect people over sixty-five and those with poor immune systems and return to business-as-usual for people under sixty-five.

This will allow “herd immunity” to develop much sooner and older people will thus be more protected AND THE ECONOMY WON’T CRASH.”

Six months later world experts published the same recommendations in the Great Barrington Declaration.

On 8Jan2021 I wrote government representatives and media and strongly advised:

”The Covid-19 vaccine developments were rushed and are not proven safe or effective and should NOT be taken, especially by the low-risk population – those under-65 or recovered from Covid-19. The two experimental Covid-19 vaccines that contain mRNA (Pfizer and Moderna) are especially risky – due to unknown future side-effects, the risk-to-reward is far too high for the low-risk group.”

Two years later the Surgeon General of Florida made the same recommendation.

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Thanks. Confession, I havent yet read it either. But I did listen ti his audio and it was superb. Im from the UK as he is and he did a superb dissection of outpr slime ball MPs, plus he cut John Cambell, Ribert Malone and Desmet down to size.

Hes an academic shom I think deserves far more publicity.



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Jul 5Liked by Allan MacRae

Thank you for that!!!!

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