Nov 20, 2023Liked by Allan MacRae

I don't live in Alberta but I do live in Canada, I am so thankful you saved so many lives, it was by the hand of God, He got you to get the call which in turn got you moving on it, God is great isn't He. As for the jabs, I don't even know where to start, it's the most demonic thing to ever happen to humanity. I was warned on day one by God not to get involved with anything to do with "covid" and then when the jabs came out, I knew not to take them and boy am I glad I listened. I was 68 in 2020 and what I was hearing I should have died from "covid" and then if I didn't take the jab I would kill gramma, newsflash, I am gramma and Im here to say I have not had so much as a sniffle but all my family and friends who took the jabs are sick and have had many bouts of "covid" What I want now is justice for all the poor souls who died and were maimed, those monsters who did that must pay in this life.

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STOP testing. What is wrong with people?? The yearly cold and influenza finds people brainwashed to think they have COVID. The tests are contaminated and they are highly faulty. All they have to do it spin them through more than 25 cycles (our country was using 40 cycles) and they can find anything they want to find. For heavens sake.....even the inventor of the PCR said it should NEVER be used to detect illness. He was a staunch enemy of Fauci. Gee what a coincidence Dr. Mullis just happen to pass away just months before COVID hit. NOTHING is a coincidence folks.

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The world would be such a better place with more people like you, Allan!

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Allan MacRae

So grateful that you are well! And thanks for posting your experience with the treatment these sick f*cks denied millions of people! God bless you.

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Did y'all fall for the covid con? Most people did, so they got the deathshots & now they're dead or dying.


Why Nobody "Had, Caught or Got" COVID-19


OCT 16, 2022



CDC & FDA admitted in 2020 that covid-19 doesn't exist...



Dr. Mark Bailey, MD & Dr. John Bevan-Smith, Ph.D.

The COVID-19 Fraud and War on Humanity

Imaginary Disease and Pandemic Invented by WHO is a Virological Fraud



CDC/FDA smoking gun of smoking guns:

Mar. 9, 2022

by Jon Rappoport



They confess: they had no virus when they concocted the test for the virus; they “contrived” a model by pretending to find what they wanted to find;...

This is the con and the crime that drove millions of lives, and economies, into ruin.


Irrefutable Scientific Proof: Covid-19 Does NOT Exist!

Published February 20, 2021

By Karma Singh


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Viruses do not exist, only poisons.

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Covid never did exist. We are corona. Whats the first 6 letters in CORONAtion folks. Common knowledge

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No it doesn't. Not even approved for animals let alone for human consumption. Stop with the misinformation. Anyone needs proper detox please dm me. Tired of these distractions and paid actors

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How do you know how to trust the results of the test.

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I understand your doubts. However my training is in this field and my independent research is in this field. Quackery was a John D Rockefeller smear campaign to eliminate the competition.

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I'm confused about the dosage you took. Assuming you are an average 170# man, shouldn't you be taking about 30mg per day for 5 days (according FLCCC)?

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There is no valid test.

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