I applaud you for everything you did then and are still doing, the problem is, the monsters who have done this to our people of Canada were captured by the likes of the WEF and the Who, not to mention the UN, they were offered large payments or blackmailed to do their bidding, because not one of our healthcare providers or politicians had the balls to say NO, we will NOT kill and injure our citizens, they went along with this absolute carnage of life. Today that demon Bonnie Henry is still using the term "safe and effective" when speaking about the bioweapon injections. I truly believe those monsters are possessed by evil, they have to be because how in hell can they see young children, babies, pregnant mothers all dead because of what they're doing and still continue to do,I, for one knew almost from day one this entire thing was a scam, right from March 2020, I knew this "vaccine" mandate crap was dangerous and I knew the shots would injure and kill so I said "no thank you" There are so many good people fighting to stop this insanity and they're met with blank stares or they're cancelled and demonized. All I know is, we better not be waiting for a saviour here on earth because they aren't coming, we the people have to stop this, we have to stand up to the evil 1% and tell them to go straight to hell. Say NO whenever they tell us to do whatever the next evil thing they're telling us to do. One more thing, please turn back to God, He is here with us but we turned away from Him and evil filled that void, we must now show God we're with Him and He will help us, but we need Him now more than ever.
I applaud you for everything you did then and are still doing, the problem is, the monsters who have done this to our people of Canada were captured by the likes of the WEF and the Who, not to mention the UN, they were offered large payments or blackmailed to do their bidding, because not one of our healthcare providers or politicians had the balls to say NO, we will NOT kill and injure our citizens, they went along with this absolute carnage of life. Today that demon Bonnie Henry is still using the term "safe and effective" when speaking about the bioweapon injections. I truly believe those monsters are possessed by evil, they have to be because how in hell can they see young children, babies, pregnant mothers all dead because of what they're doing and still continue to do,I, for one knew almost from day one this entire thing was a scam, right from March 2020, I knew this "vaccine" mandate crap was dangerous and I knew the shots would injure and kill so I said "no thank you" There are so many good people fighting to stop this insanity and they're met with blank stares or they're cancelled and demonized. All I know is, we better not be waiting for a saviour here on earth because they aren't coming, we the people have to stop this, we have to stand up to the evil 1% and tell them to go straight to hell. Say NO whenever they tell us to do whatever the next evil thing they're telling us to do. One more thing, please turn back to God, He is here with us but we turned away from Him and evil filled that void, we must now show God we're with Him and He will help us, but we need Him now more than ever.