You should all listen to dr. Martin interview


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Amen brother. Their genocide crimes are recorded in the annals of history. They won't escape their maker who will send them directly to the pits of hell.

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Hi Dan,

I'm suggesting a bit sooner and a lot colder - prisons on Baffin Island, heated only by wind and solar power.

I wrote these criminals - NO lockdowns on 21Mar2020 and NO toxic vaccines on 8Jan2021 - they knew or should have known. Criminal negligence causing death, or murder. They knew.

Best, Allan

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Of course the knew. No way in hell they got the real shots too. Baffin Island it is and yes, heated only by their wind turbine farts and solar frauds. NCI = Public Nuremberg 2. We are God's court of truth and justice on earth. These parasites won't be able to walk down their own Canadian residential streets without being shamed for the rest of their undeserving existences.

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After we have seen what the globalists have in store for us, why should anyone be surprised at the numbers resulting from the genocidal policies being foisted upon the world's inhabitants, both human and animal? This has been in the works for some time, but they think they now have the means to achieve their depopulation goals. Unfortunately, I've become almost numb to the latest tactics to kill us, and trying to figure out how to not only deal with it, but how to defeat it.

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Look at all these globalist-wokeist agendas, every single one of them have one thing in common - destruction/depopulation.

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How did you arrive at your estimate of jab deaths? I got to around 10 million which is not too dissimilar to your 13 million so it would be good to see if there is reliable corroboration? https://metatron.substack.com/p/the-jab-has-killed-more-than-50-more

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Hi Joel - re your question:



I used the Alberta total deaths chart to calculate 13 million Covid-19 vaxx-deaths worldwide to end 2022, increasing to 19 million end 2023, unless we start treating the vaxxed soon.

Rancourt et al (Feb2023) independently also calculated 13 million to end 2022, using Israeli and Australian total death data.

The accuracy of the estimate depends on the representativeness of the sample – you used South Korea – not surprised you got a lower number.

The better a country managed the Covid-19 scam, the lower their mortality, the lower the global estimate derived from that sample. The USA was one of the worst, Canada better, S Korea probably better still.

Hope that is clear.

Regards, Allan


My observation from other literature is that with proper treatment, there should have been no excess deaths from Covid-19. The excess deaths were the result of the harmful lockdowns, preventable contagion in old-folk's homes, substandard medical treatments and the discouragement of better treatments, the toxic and ineffective Covid-19 "vaccines" starting in Jan2021 and the banning of Ivermectin in Feb2021.

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