Thank you for sharing this. Sadly though, our traitorous PM Justin Castro is more hell-bent on suppressing these lucrative resources (oil & gas), instilling egregious Carbon Taxes which are based on complete lies, and euthanising Canadians who do not submit to his woke mob ideology. Gladly re-tweeted.

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Well done Alan for your efforts to get the truth about global warming out there.

The whole climate nonsense is based on corrupt data from the get go.

The major block in addressing this block is the cretinous behaviour of all of our politicoturds, world wide.

If brains were gunpowder. 99.9% of pollys wouldn't have enough to strike a match.

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Hi Greg and thank you for your thoughts.

I've added some words regarding the share of profits from the oil sands:

"With these new Royalties and Taxes, the Alberta and Canada governments shared a ~50% interest in profits from the oil sands, without having to invest one penny!"

I regard that 50:50 share between oil sands investors and governments as quite fair - the governments invest nothing and get half! But that was not sufficient for Ed Stelmach so he increased the Royalties and killed growth in our primary economic engine!

I continue to be amazed by this colossal incompetence.

George Carlin explained it thus:

“You know how stupid the average person is, right? Well, half of them are stupider than that!”

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I applaud your persistent efforts to bring awareness of the flaws and serious consequences of the economic and environmental policies of a succession of Alberta and federal administrations. The presumptions upon which these policies are based fail to pass informed scrutiny but are widely held by the public and policy-makers alike. "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". The claims of catastrophic global climate change are supported by speculative hypotheses whose projections have failed to be realized by anything but cherry-picked anecdotes which fail to indicate global trends. There is virtually nothing in the climate and weather-event record of the past several decades which has not been exceeded in extent and magnitude in the past, prior to the post WW2 industrial era.

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