Jan 5Liked by Allan MacRae

We should have been left free to choose whether to take the shots. Shamefully, many places mandated their adoption by tying employment, travel, eating out, or buying groceries, with getting the shots.

Mandating the vaccines and boosters, together with severely restricting availability of proven therapeutics like Ivermectin, was a brutal one-two punch, both to public health and to our civil liberties.

Let us not be fooled again!

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PROLOGUE - THE COVID SCAM – Murder of Multitudes

[excerpt from the factual Prologue of my fiction book)


The Covid-19 narrative just sounded false from the very start. I learned of it early, in late January 2020. I had booked a flight to Thailand on 4Feb2020, but China Air changed my booking at the last minute and added a four-day stopover in Nanjing on the way in – bizarre! I phoned, and a young woman at China Air kept repeating the same words, again and again: “Sir, it is bad here, you should cancel.” She may have saved my life. I probably would have been stuck in China for months during the early days of Covid. The lockdowns started there just days later, and then cascaded around the world. I cancelled on 29Jan2020.

But something about the Covid-19 narrative just did not sound right. The Covid narrative was so excessive, so overstated, so obviously intended to cause panic in the populace. It smelled wrong, just like the phony Climate panic propaganda I had fought for the last two decades – false fears to stampede the sheep. Later the usual village idiots, Justin Trudeau, Prince Charles, the Pope and other Illuminati started spouting the same nonsense: “To solve Covid we must also solve Climate!” and similar drivel. By then, the stench of the Covid barnyard was overwhelming.

But I digress… early in Feb2020 I started looking for quality Covid data, and it was difficult to find amid the mountains of hyperbole in the official government narratives, a tsunami of panic propaganda. The sheep were stampeded and in full flight, willingly complying with every new ridiculous government regulation.

I located some quality data from the Diamond Princess cruise ship, a giant “Petrie dish” quarantined in Yokohama, Japan. It showed that the Covid-19 virus was really only fatal to the very elderly and infirm, and was similar in mortality to other Winter flus. I found other supporting data that all said the same thing – this Covid-19 virus was similar to other Winter flus – certainly NOT a real Pandemic.

My home province of Alberta had an excellent Emergency Response Plan, but it was shelved in favor of the draconian lockdowns that would obviously cause great harm to society, businesses, and individuals. Other jurisdictions around the world followed the same harmful lockdown policies, with rare exceptions like Sweden. The harm done to small businesses and their employees was huge and irreparable, and there was NO scientific justification.

By Feb2020 I knew we were being conned – Covid-19 was a global scam and almost all world governments were fully engaged in the Covid BIG LIE. However, I was reluctant to publish. My expertise is Energy and Climate, and my accomplishments are world-class – by the age of ~40, I initiated three of the four concepts that revitalized the Alberta oilsands and made Canada the 4th largest oil producer and the strongest economy in the world. I did not want to destroy my credibility, especially in a new scientific field in which I had no record of expertise.

Then on the evening of 20Mar2020 I learned from my friend Dr Dave that his 600-bed Calgary hospital was EMPTY – there were virtually NO Covid-19 patients in Alberta hospitals, and the government’s panicky press releases and lockdowns were a giant lie.

I published the next day on 21Mar2020, recommending against the lockdowns. Six months later on 8Oct2020, world experts published the same recommendations in their Great Barrington Declaration. Nobody listened.

The great global Covid Scam was ON, and the world would never be the same.

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