What is their recourse! I know what mine would be but then I totally believe the jabs are the major cause...81 not jabbed...and I pray

I will have the guts to say no....it's the hill I will die on! FTATH!

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Jul 7Liked by Allan MacRae

Thanks you again Allan for your many significant posts. Difficult to read yet important to know. You're on my all-star teams. We live in an asylum and there's a Nosferatu that exist that serve dark lords. Yet, it appears, very few want the truth and even fewer are bold enough to forward the narrative.

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Thank you Paul for your kind words.

Some thoughts:

THE CULL TRILOGY – by Allan Malcolm MacRae

"The ability to correctly predict is the best objective measure of scientific and technical competence."


Covid & Climate Chronicles – The Big Cull



Imagine that you understood everything from the start, and warned everyone from March 2020 about the Covid-19 plandemic / scamdemic:

NO harmful Lockdowns!


NO toxic Vaccines!

Nobody listened, trillions of dollars were wasted, tens of millions of people were killed by improper medical treatment and the toxic Covid-19 "vaccines", billions more were vax-injured, and the carnage is far from over…

That was my objective, my full-time mission since February 2020:

- to tell the truth, based on the facts; to save lives, millions of lives.

I published early, accurate information to try to protect everyone.

Nobody listened. I might have saved a handful of people.

- Allan MacRae, Calgary


This has been a difficult 4+ years - I predicted the outcomes on 21Mar2020 and 8Jan2021 - the costly and unjustified Covid-19 Lockdowns, and the toxic-and-ineffective "Vaccines". I did everything I could to prevent the carnage, now ~20 million Covid-19 vax-murdered in the Western World, maybe double that including India, China, Russia etc and billions more vax-injured worldwide ... ... and I failed! Nobody listened! I may have saved a handful of people.

Justin Pedeau is trying to make my words illegal, and given the criminal alliance of his Liberals and the NDP, he may succeed.

My religion makes "private justice" impossible, and leaves me with little more than a badly degraded, angry vocabulary. well-sprinkled with expletives.

I want Justice on behalf of all those Covid-19 harmed, injured and killed!

My pronouns are Nuremberg / 2.0!

Best regards, Allan MacRae

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