I warned you correctly three+ years ago at the very outset of the Covid-19 scam: 21Mar2020: NO harmful lockdowns! 8Jan2021: NO toxic "vaccines"! I tried to save you, but nobody listened.
My new free book – send it to everyone you know:
I called the Covid-19 Lockdowns and Vaccines scams in Feb2020 and published on 21Mar2020.
We called the Climate and Green Energy scams in 2002. All correct!
The reason there was NO significant total death increase in Alberta in the 12 months from 1Jul2019 to 30Jun2020, the first “Covid-19 flu year”, was because competent Alberta physicians practiced early treatment.
Incompetent, late treatment, Remdesivir and ventilators caused ~530,000 mostly-preventable American deaths in 2020. The toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” caused an additional ~1.1 million American deaths.
The death toll in the USA from the mismanagement of the Covid-19 illness and the toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” totaled 1.6 million to end 2022. The Covid-19 avoidable American death toll to date exceeds the total 1.1 million American deaths in all their wars, including the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, WW1, WW2, Korea, and Vietnam.Based on total England and Wales deaths, I ran an approximate analysis two different ways and calculated total British Covid-19 vaxx-caused deaths in 2021 and 2022 of 172,000.
On 9Feb2023, based on Alberta total deaths, I calculated 12.9 million deaths worldwide caused by the toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” and this total was confirmed by Rancourt et al (Feb2023) based on Australian and Israeli total death data. I estimated that total vaxx-caused deaths would increase to 19 million by end2023. These totals exclude Covid-19 vaxx-caused-deaths in China, India and Russia.
Rancourt et al is a very good paper, in my opinion. We employed similar but not identical methodologies, different sample populations and calculated identical global results.
Correlation Research in the Public Interest has published a new report entitled
The report was authored by Denis G. Rancourt, Marine Baudin, Joseph Hickey, and Jérémie Mercier.
In the report, the vaccine-dose fatality rate (the ratio of vaccine-induced deaths to vaccine doses delivered in a population) from the COVID-19 vaccines is found to increase exponentially with age and to be close to 1% for the oldest age group.
The authors also estimate a global total of approximately 13 million deaths from the COVID-19 vaccines.
The report contains a detailed explanation of the methodology used, with accompanying technical appendices.
by Denis G. Rancourt, Marine Baudin, Joseph Hickey, and Jérémie Mercier.
9 February 2023
It is now well established from autopsy studies and adverse effect monitoring that the COVID-19 vaccines can cause death. The vaccine-dose fatality rate (vDFR), which is the ratio of vaccine[1]induced deaths to vaccine doses delivered in a population, has recently been measured by us to be as large as 1 % in India and when “vaccine equity” campaigns were applied in high-poverty states of the USA, and to be 0.05 % in Australia, with data that is not discriminated by age group. Here, we provide the first empirical evaluations of age-stratified vDFRs, using national all-cause mortality and vaccine rollout data, for Israel and Australia. We find that the vDFR increases dramatically with age for older adults, being exponential with a doubling time of approximately 5.2 ± 0.4 years. As a result the vDFR is an order of magnitude greater in the most elderly population than the all-population value, reaching 0.6 % for the 80+ years age group in Israel and 1 % for the 85+ years age group in Australia, compared to < 0.01 % for young adults (< 45 year olds). Our results imply that it was reckless to prioritize vaccinating those deemed to be in greatest need of protection.
On Covid-19 vaccine-caused deaths:
These young people are dying, and they’re dying of illnesses they should not be dying from.
William Makis, MD 28May2023
Finally, here is a rant by the very competent Dr Paul Alexander. He’s upset about the tens of millions of needless deaths caused by the toxic “vaccines”, which he publicly warned us of, early in the Covid-19 false narrative. He is a very good man.
yet it is the 'vaccinated' who are being infected & dying & who would be locked out of restaurants soon;
these were real criminals for what they did to law abiding citizens who simply wished to exercise their natural immunity;
it was never ever a pandemic of the unvaccinated! Most dying today are VACCINATED!
Dr. Paul Alexander May 26, 2023
Propaganda Video that pushed the toxic Covid-19 vaxx – “No one is safe from Covid-19 until everyone is safe”. (11 min):
Listen to the blatant lies that spewed from every bought mainstream media voice, politicians and celebrities – remember these names!
No small irony here – the Covid-19 “vaccines” were NOT safe and NOT effective:
- hundreds of millions of people who were Covid-19-vaxxed still caught Covid-19;
- 15 million worldwide have been killed to 1May2023 by the toxic Covid-19 “vaccines”.
Regards, Allan MacRae
Allan M.R. MacRae, B.A.Sc.(Eng.) Queen’s U, M.Eng. U of Alberta
Conducted business at a senior level on six of the world’s seven continents.
Recommended AGAINST the Covid-19 lockdowns on 21March2020, in a post essentially identical to the Great Barrington Declaration published 6 months later by the world’s top experts.
Highlighted the significant risks of the experimental Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 mRNA injections and the high risk-low reward of these injections to under-65’s and especially to very-low-risk groups including schoolchildren, on 8January2021.
Safeguarded up to 600,000 Calgarians from probable death by intervening to shut down the Mazeppa sour gas project; MacRae was honored by the Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Authored ~12 papers since 2002 that prove catastrophic human-made global warming is a false crisis, and intermittent green energy is not a practical solution.
Co-authored a 2015 paper on Excess Winter Mortality entitled “Cold Weather Kills 20 Times As Many People As Hot Weather”.
Advocated since 2002 against the fraudulent claims of leftist extremists that have cost Alberta and Canada over $200 billion in lost oil revenues.
Wrote the competent Energy Policy for the Wild Rose Party, rejecting the destructive Stelmach Royalty changes.
Initiated the New Oilsands Royalty Terms and the New Oilsands Tax Terms implemented by the Klein PC’s and the Feds and also the reduction of Syncrude Canada Ltd. production costs from $18 to $12 per barrel.
Incorporated these initiatives into a comprehensive strategy for Syncrude Canada Ltd, which was implemented and was instrumental in the successful growth of Syncrude and the Alberta oil sands industry.
Result: $250 billion capital investment in Alberta and 500,000 new jobs created in Canada. Canada became the 4th largest oil producer in the world, the largest foreign supplier of energy to the USA and the strongest economy of the G8 countries. ~80% of that oil production is from Alberta.
Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
- Matthew 25:40
This is my creed. It was the creed of my father and my grandfathers - they lived it.
I listened and Thankyou
I welcome the opportunity to speak without the automatic edit that many blogs are using. With ever increasing frequency I find my responses "fail to send" As a normal citizen , having no threatening agenda to any of the ruling class I find that it has become my goal to be heard. While my posts are generally lengthy and contain poor grammar skills I do have some steady readers. Now having many more days behind me than lay ahead I offer my witness to many events and send guidance to some of my adopted grandchildren that are in school. I have the time to do the research on many subjects. many I profess my ignorance abounds. The one glaring fact I find is that government ignores your Emails. While they exist in digital form they lie within storage that holds billons of bites. bites easily corrupted and lost. Thus i urge all to start using the snail mail. Yes the good old postal system. Why?
Because they must have a person open it up and read it for possible threats both physical and implied.
The contents are entered into a database that is listed by subject. All fed into the data that is wanted by government to know the mindset of the people. Letters show a persons intensity upon the subject it contains.. What people dont realize is these letters are now part of governments history. History that are required to be logged and saved into archive's. Getting a few million letters on the same subject is news to any media outlet. as they used to say, it sells papers. it is news that government has problems covering up. When I write I also send it as "return receipt required" This way proof exists that government has no control over. Imagine, what media would do with a story like this? What we need is a forum that would direct citizens to send these letters. then notify media to their content. gathering the proof from emails is a monumental task. letters sent with return receipt requested are public information that require no filing of freedom of information. would be a start in taking control back from government. At the moment government can "regulate" Email data. stopping our freedoms of speech. Gov. has no way to stop the mail from reaching Washington. We must start by exercising our freedom of speech. We shall see how "free" your platform is. then consider supporting you. Thanks ------------I, Grampa