Geert is a very intelligent and accomplished professional, and he says the worst is yet to come, and will hit us hard in 2025 - a huge increase in the deaths and injuries of the vaxed.
Again, I advocate for: government free treatment of the vaxed with “Ivermectin Plus”; Nuremberg 2.0: Military Tribunals, Hangings and Firing Squads for the guilty.
Voice for Science and Solidarity by Geert Vanden Bossche
This is why I strongly believe the immune escape pandemic will eventually transition into a hyperacute phase…
Geert Vanden Bossche Aug 16, 2024
Some folks seem to wonder whether a hyperacute phase (as I predict) will follow (1) the current, more 'chronic' course of the C-19 pandemic or (2) if the increase in mortality will instead be driven by a gradual rise in excess deaths directly or indirectly caused by the insane C-19 vaccination program.
The normal course of most flu’s is to become more contagious but less lethal with time, as the virus naturally mutates according to Darwin. The original Covid-19 lab-vaccine was NOT fatal except to the very elderly and infirm. This assessment assumes that the Covid-lab-criminals will not introduce a new, more dangerous lab strain (which they may already have done).
Therefore, IF Geert is correct (hope not!), I choose Option (2):
IF we see a major increase in excess deaths associated with Covid-19 in 2025, it will be caused by the toxic “vaccines”, which destroy natural immunity and have already killed ~20 million Covid-19 vaxed in the Western countries, and maybe double that worldwide to include India, China, Russia, etc. The ~20 million vax-deaths is verified, independently calculated by Denis Rancourt et al and me.
That is why I have been advocating with the Alberta and Florida governments since Nov2022 to treat the vaxxed with “Ivermectin Plus”. that is, Ivermectin plus whatever other drugs work best to rid the vaxed of the spike protein and other toxins in the Covid-19 vaccines.
The Covid-19 vax-death toll to date in Alberta is ~15,000, and still increasing. The vax-death toll in the USA and Canada now exceeds the deaths in all our wars, foreign and domestic, back to the 1500’s. Our governments and health authorities seem satisfied with that, and are still not admitting their complicity in:
- the medical-murder of tens of millions including vaxed children,
- the vax-injury of billions more,
- the trillions of dollars of damage to the economy including the destruction of millions of small businesses,
- and the enormous harm to our education and social systems.
Geert is a very intelligent and accomplished professional, and he says the worst is yet to come, and will hit us hard in 2025 - a huge increase in the deaths and injuries of the vaxed.
Again, I advocate for:
- government free treatment of the vaxed with “Ivermectin Plus”;
- Nuremberg 2.0: Military Tribunals, Hangings and Firing Squads for the guilty.
IVERMECTIN and SEIZURES - 2024 study by Manavi et al confirms Ivermectin Exerts Anticonvulsant Effects - a pharma company bets big on Ivermectin in a Seizure Clinical Trial
Aug 18, 2024
"Dr. Peter McCullough: Spike Detox Breakthrough"
Dr Naomi Wolf Aug 16, 2024